






6.五一节打算去云南大理的计划 英语作文加翻译



       Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan.

       It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere.

       Every year there are lots and lots of visitors. Maybe you have heard about Shi Lin (stone forests). There are all kinds of strange stones. Some of the small stones look like graceful girls; and the big stones look like handsome men.

       Other stones look like cats, peafowls, double-edged swords, mice, elephants and so on. Of all the stones, the stone like a beautiful girl in a legend is the most famous .Its name is A Shima. I also went to Li Jiang.

       The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams. Any road in the city goes to the center of Li Jiang. A river runs through the whole city. If you go along the river, you'll never get lost. There are many ethnic minority people in Yunnan.

       They are very cordial. And they all like singing and dancing. We danced with them around the campfire that night. I really had a good time.

       I like the elephants and fruits there best. An elephant is even taller than me! I even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first. But the elephant seemed very friendly. I took some photos with it.

       The fruits there are very fresh and delicious. They are very good for our health. The trip to Yunnan impressed me greatly. I will never forget it.




       每年都有很多很多游客。也许你听说过Shi Lin(石林)。有各种各样奇怪的石头。一些小石头看起来像优雅的女孩,和大石头看起来像英俊男子。其他的石头看起来像猫,孔雀,一把双刃剑,老鼠,大象等。所有的石头,石头就像传说中的美丽的女孩是最著名的。





        I went to Yunnan Province with my sister to enjoy my summer vacation. During the five-day trip, we visited many famous sites of interest in this province. Among them, Stone Forest in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County leaves a deepest inpression upon me for its strange, steep yet magnificent landscape. Indeed, both my sister and I had such a good time in this tour that we could not help but plan our trip to this province for another time the moment we arrived at home!


        I went to Yunnan Province with my sister to enjoy my summer vacation. During the five-day trip, we visited many famous sites of interest in this province. Among them, Stone Forest in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County leaves a deepest inpression upon me for its strange, steep yet magnificent landscape. Indeed, both my sister and I had such a good time in this tour that we could not help but plan our trip to this province for another time the moment we arrived at home!



        I went to Hainan on vacation

        Summer es ,and the weather has

        bee irritating.My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good

        relax.I thought about it for a while and agreed.Hainan is really a good

        place,where palm trees are abundant.We went to a park where we enjoyed

        cool palm drinks.We also went to visit the monkey island.The monkeys

        were really cute to look at.

        After we came back from the travel,we

        found that our bodies have bee stronger and healthier than before.My

        sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.

        We really enjoyed this trip.We were very happy!





        last Sunday, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to Inner Mongolia by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me,“ jane,don't do anything halfway”. So I insisted reached the , the of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.



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        Mit meinem Freund reise ich gern in China umher.Wir beiden sind Rucksackreisende. Wir haben eigene Schlafsacken,so koennen wir beim Reisen Geld sparen. Wir haben auch vor,spaeter ein kleines Auto kaufen,so koennen wir noch weiter fahren.Naruerlich koennen wir jetzt so was noch nicht leisten.Wir muessen noch Geld auf die hohe Kante legen.

        Mit meinen Eltern war ich schon in einigen Staedten gewesen,da war ich noch ein kleines Maedchen. Und spaeter habe ich beim Reise meinen Freund kennengelernt.







        基本会给这么几行 第一行写TO:XXXXXX

        后面几行写要说的话 因为是明信片 所以基本短一点会更好看

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        大概就是这样的啦 别忘了贴邮票和写邮编哦~~~~~





        比如说可以写 XXX, i am now in Britain ,it's really a good place! best wishes!

        短而精悍最好了 别人所在意的是一张可以做纪念的明信片 而不是很长的信件 写多了也不好看

        因为国外明信片的话主要是因为去了别的地方旅游 所以寄明信片给朋友以示友谊和纪念 也会有人寄给自己 真正是朋友间的交谈主要是以写信和邮件的形式




        DEAR xxxx




        给老师也不用太拘谨啦 普通的就好 正常的就好




        I went to Hainan on vacation

        Summer es ,and the weather has bee irritating.My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax.I thought about it for a while and agreed.Hainan is really a good place,where palm trees are abundant.We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks.We also went to visit the monkey island.The monkeys were really cute to look at.


        After we came back from the travel,we found that our bodies have bee stronger and healthier than before.My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.


        We really enjoyed this trip.We were very happy!



        呵呵,你还蛮厉害的嘛.大家都说不少了,你这么玩,一定会体力透支的,第3,4天保证在酒店床上度过的...我来给你规划1下吧:第一天:乘机到北京,去故宫、景山.这2个地方大概可以1天玩下来.因为都蛮近的.上午去故宫博物院,下午去对面的景山公园.第二天:天安门广场、毛主席纪念堂、大栅栏.毛主席纪念堂你排队就要排好久的啊,毕竟我们只有1个毛主席啊! 大栅栏是北京传统的街巷...逛逛也比较舒服的.夜游王府井,小吃街.呵呵,多吃多喝.第三天:早上早点去北海公园,空气很好,而且很多老年人在锻炼.然后,10点左右就去颐和园.玩个痛快.第四天:八达岭长城,长陵.其实长城和陵寝没什么好看的,主要是留念.大概下午4点左右就可以回城里了,然后你就可以飞机回家啦!其实1450这个价钱是1个人,或者是不包车费的话,那么还是自己找路线的好,不然叫导游象哄鸭子一样赶来赶去,什么都没看到,是个遗憾啊!祝你玩的开心!


        I would like to visit France. As most of the travellers know, France is a very attractive country. I would like to appreciate travellers to visit there not only because of its beautiful scene, and also the fantastic food. I do not interested in countries such as Iraq and Thiland. Due to the recent wars and social turmoil, it is quite unsafe to travel to these countries. Normally i take air-plane to travel. Thus, i think air-plane is the best way for people to travel around the world. Furthermore, it saves a lot of time and strength for me.


       I went to Yunnan Province with my sister to enjoy my summer vacation. During the five-day trip, we visited many famous sites of interest in this province. Among them, Stone Forest in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County leaves a deepest inpression upon me for its strange, steep yet magnificent landscape. Indeed, both my sister and I had such a good time in this tour that we could not help but plan our trip to this province for another time the moment we arrived at home!




       Yunnan province, referred to as "yunnan, cloud, is located in the southwest border of the People's Republic of China. During the warring states period, is the land of yunnan tribe lived here. In yunnan, that is, "the south of clouds", the other is named after the deep is located in the south of yuengling. Provincial capital kunming. With a total area of about 39 square kilometers, 4.11% of total area, area of no. 8 in each provincial administrative region in the country. A total population of 43.16 million (2008), 3.36% of the population and the population ranks as the 13th. And the yunnan province adjacent provinces of sichuan, guizhou, guangxi, Tibet, yunnan province is three neighboring Burma, Laos and Vietnam. The tropic of cancer crosses from southern province.

       Yunnan province is a large country, and rich in resources, enjoy the "kingdom of plants", "animal kingdom" and "non-ferrous metal kingdom", "flavor of the township", "natural garden" reputation. Higher plants more than 18000, of which about 10000 species of tropical and subtropical higher plants. The province's forest area of 143 million mu, the total volume of 988 million cubic meters of wood, is one of China's four major forest region. Is rich in tobacco leaves, notoginseng, gastrodia elata, eucommia bark, amomum fruit, pepper and other herbs and tropical and subtropical fruit. Flue-cured tobacco and cigarette output ranking first in the country. Smoke of fiscal revenue accounted for about two-thirds of the public finance. Rich natural spices and oil plants, animal resources, birds and beasts are among the top of the country. Mineral resources, the province has 155 kinds, variety complete, non-ferrous metal in particular for the lead, zinc, tin, nickel, phosphate rock deposits is very big, is the important origin of phosphate rock in our country. Jinsha river, lancang river, nujiang river flows through the hengduan mountainous areas have their huge hydropower resources.

       Yunnan frontier style, unique plateau lakes, karst wonders, tropical rain forest, snow mountain valleys, and all of the historical and cultural relics, a variety of climate, colorful ethnic customs, together become rich tourism resources.

       China's market is in a transition phase, compared with the western mature market there is a big gap, and China's yunnan tourism in the same under the baptism of the economic transformation, so in yunnan tourism marketing will experience a primary stage to the market by the market, a senior phase transformation process. Although the tourism industry marketing consciousness is generally not strong, marketing ability is not high, and even some places also have no sense of tourism marketing, in some places because the government behavior factors system problems, money problems, the existence of the phenomenon such as interests outweigh the marketing problems, but we must see clearly, with China's accession to the WTO, international advanced concepts and successful operation with a sound of crying Wolf entered China, these advanced concepts and successful experience will be a man of insight through effective "docking" with Chinese characteristics, reasonable use to the practice of the market in China, so as to effectively promote the rapid development of China's economy. In China, the world of yunnan tourism resources of the country, and with the world's largest domestic tourism market, and it will become the world's largest destination countries in 2020. Under this kind of the bidirectional interaction of supply and demand, China's yunnan tourism prospects.



介绍云南的英语作文 篇1

        Minority: Yunnan is China's most minority provinces, besides Han, is inhabited by 26 people, the province's minority population occupies total population nearly 1/3. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can get anywhere without culture.

        Flower Town: Yunnan known as "Kingdom of plants". Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, camellia, Primula, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, not to mention the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan: camellia, cuckoo, eight flowers of Magnolia, primrose, lily, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, there is a sea of flowers. Mountain bamboo many, a luxuriant bamboo shoots.

        Karst: Yunnan Eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of corrosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary Karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area most.

        Tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna: located south of the Tropic of cancer in the tropical north edge, the tropical monsoon climate, is warm, sunny, humid and rainy, earth tropic desert with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is most complete, the most typical, the largest area of the region, but also on the planet today rare animal and plant gene bank, known as one of the earth's natural wonders.

介绍云南的英语作文 篇2

        Yunnan province is situated in the southwest of China which covers a total area of 394,000 square kilometers. And it is land of natural beauty and mystery. Today people think of it as a “frontier province”, which lie just below the Tibetan plateau and abut Vietnam, Laos and Burma.

        Yunnan’s climate is characterized by small seasonal change in temperature, great difference in daytime temperature and regional contrast between dry and wet seasons. The average temperature in summer is 19℃-22℃. Rainfall is abundant in the area and occurs mainly in May and October each year.

        Due to peculiar geographical environment, complex landforms and sharp falls and rises in elevation, diversified climatic conditions result. There are about 30,000 kinds of plants as well as numerous rare animals live in Yunnan, so Yunnan enjoys a reputation of “world garden” and “Kingdom of animals”.

        Yunnan is endowed with abundance of breath-taking scenic spots. Kunming, the capital city, celebrated as "City of Eternal Spring", is well known for its diverse cultures, breath-taking natural scenery and pleasant climate. Xishuangbanna is famed for its wild herds of elephants and its swarms of peacocks, whose graceful pictures can put professional dancer to shame. And Diqing(Shanri-la) is regarded as Paradise on east, which means “the place of good luck and happiness” in Tibetan language.

        Yunnan is home to 26 ethic minorities which give a rich color to the land. They contributed with their colorful costumes, their traditional songs and dances to the attractive life. The Splashing Water Festival of Dai nationality, the March Fair of Bai nationality, the Torch Festival of Yi nationality, makes you forget to leave. Entering Yunnan, you inadvertently entering the Dongba culture of Naxi nationality, Dai minority culture of Dali, Beiye culture of Dai minority, Beima culture of Yi minority, and also entering a remarkable folk-custom full with myths, dances, paintings, and ancient music.

介绍云南的英语作文 篇3

        The Yunnan overseas traveling main corporation is the first batchinternational travel agency which authorizes by the national travelagency, is the Yunnan Province traveling profession mainstayenterprise, also is the Yunnan traveling group member. Company manyyears achievement is remarkable, glory China Travel Service hundredstrong one, registration trademark entire province first: L-YN -GJ00001.

        The company organization and the reception entering and/or leavingcountry traveling service, enters a country the traveling service forthe public figure of foreign nationality, the overseas Chinese comesChina to arrange, including each kind of group writing style, theindividual tourist type, the family type traveling goes sightseeing,the commercial inspection, the cultural exchange; Undertakes each kindof exploration, on foot, feature tourism project and so on bicycle,national minority character and style. Leaves country swims theservice to arrange for this province citizen to go to, the horsenewly, peaceful, places such as Philippine, South Korean, Australian,Hong Kong and Macao area visits friends and relatives, the inspectionexchange. The company eliminates enters a country outside the service,but also undertakes each kind internationally, the domesticconference, the Chinese citizen travels the vacation, the studyexchange, the frontier traveling; Charge d'affaires domestic andforeign machine, the vehicle, the passage ticket, the hotel orders,service and so on passport, visa request.

五一节打算去云南大理的计划 英语作文加翻译

       My home town Lijiang,is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up.

       Lijiang each season is like a picture,is so beautiful and unique.

       In the early spring,all things recovery,the roadside farmland green up gradually,rape also quietly out of head,peach blossom pear flower can't wait to show their beauty,the breath of spring overflow in warm in lijiang city Willow trees by the river slowly pours out new bud,the cherry blossom is busy airtime,grass small wildflowers are crazy dance,catkin is flying in the air,is full of thick the awaken of spring.


       The Holiday of Labor's Day

       I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.On 2nd May, I visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.On 3rd May, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. All the other days leftI didn't go anywhere, no only becasue I still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere





       Last saturday. I and my father went to dali. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed.?

       Dad said to me,“lihua, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy.


