


2.英语作文:上海-美丽的城市 1、介绍1~2个上海的特色景点 2、推荐1~2种具有上海风味的美食 3、说喜欢的理由


4.求英语作文"A travel guide of shanghai"(上海旅游指南)




        The bund, located on the huangpu river in the huangpu district of Shanghai, is a historical and cultural block of China.Since 1844, the area of the bund has been divided into the British concession, which is a true reflection of Shanghai's ten-mile western concession and also the starting point of the old Shanghai concession area and the whole modern city of Shanghai.


        The total length of the bund is 1.5km, starting from yan 'an east road in the south to waibai ferry bridge on the suzhou river in the north, huangpu river in the east and the old Shanghai financial and foreign trade institutions in the west.


        There are 52 classical revival buildings of different styles on the bund, which is known as the bund international architecture exhibition group. It is one of the important historical relics and representative buildings in modern China and one of the landmarks of Shanghai.




        外滩(英文:The Bund;上海话拼音:nga thae),位于上海市黄浦区的黄浦江畔,即外黄浦滩,为中国历史文化街区。1844年(清道光廿四年)起,外滩这一带被划为英国租界,成为上海十里洋场的真实写照,也是旧上海租界区以及整个上海近代城市开始的起点。

        外滩全长1.5公里,南起延安东路,北至苏州河上的外白渡桥,东面即黄浦江,西面是旧上海金融、外贸机构的集中地。上海辟为商埠以后,外国的银行、商行、总会、报社开始在此云集,外滩成为全国乃至远东的金融中心。民国三十二年(1943年)8月,外滩随交还上海公共租界于汪伪国民 *** ,结束长达百年的租界时期,于民国三十四年(1945年)拥有正式路名中山东一路。







        The bundShanghai's bund night was charm and attractive.Shanghai is a *** art city,if you were not a very *** art person,you aren't a local person you shouldn't be have more chance to stay in Shanghai.Look at Shanghai's flourishing you should be have a look the bund and Pudong's develop. I like bund very much.I like see the night scene in the evening.I always with my friends goes to the bund to see around.I think that Shanghai's night just like London's big ben.Very beautiful and shining,shimming.Accept the Shanghai's bund,Hu bei and Ningbo also have got the bund.Shanghai's bund is beautiful than Ningbo's bund.Ning bo's bund not very beautiful than Shanghai.Shanghai is a fast pace city.If you were see the bund you will know this.外滩上海外滩的晚上是迷人并且富有吸引力的。













英语作文60词 去上海,写外滩城隍庙 急需 感谢!

        The Bund (Wai Tan) is one of the symbols of Shanghai.Located along the Huangpu River, the Bund shows off Shanghai's outstanding foreign buildings, most of which were erected before 1937. To the Europeans, the Bund was Shanghai's answer to Wall Street. 大概意思就是指外滩是上海的标志之一。





英语作文帮忙写一篇关于和家人一起去上海旅游的 英语作文 在线...

        开头省略了my parents. The weather was bad. It was raining all day long. We tried to go to some places of interest such as the Bund and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.However, it was very crowded. Because of the rain, we couldn't see things clearly. We went shopping later. The things were also very expensive, so we didn't buy anything. We didn't do a lot of things during the trip. The trip was boring and I didn't have a good time.天气很糟糕,整天都下雨。









        ShanghaiShanghai is in the east of China. Many years ago, it was a *** all fishing village. Only a few thousand people lived there. People were fishermen. But today Shanghai is a big modern city. It is the biggest city in China. And it is also one of the largest cities in the world. It has an area of about six thousand, three hundred and forty square kilometers. More than thirteen million people live there. They do many different jobs. There are workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, artists and so on. Shanghai is also more beautiful than before. There are now many tall buildings and green areas. Shanghai is developing very fast. People there are living a happy life.


        Shanghai Brief IntroductionThroughout the past century, Shanghai has had numerous name tags attached to it; like "Paris of the Orient" and "Pearl of China". Images of Shanghai more than any other Chinese city, are bountiful in the west. A visit here therefore, is naturally tainted to some extent, with a preconception of how the city will be.As the largest and most prosperous city in the nation, Shanghai is the economic, financial and cultural center of China, while Beijing is the political heart. And this image of Shanghai as a fast and modern metropolis is certainly the one that most visitors take away. Those old preconceptions of Shanghai as the home of crime vice and prostitutes are wiped away, as the city successfully projects an image of itself as young, vibrant and cool.Shanghai is a modern and fast paced city, rich in history and culture and with a wealth of areas and sites just waiting to be explored. One of the nicest aspects of Shanghai is that the crowds here are much more manageable than in a city like Beijing. This is largely because there are no great ancient sites which people flock to. Rather, this is a city to be walked, wandered, explored and discovered in your own time and, in your own style.What makes Shanghai particularly attractive are the many different styles of architecture and design throughout the city. Shanghai was once divided up into different "Concessions" or districts and the boundaries of these areas still remain today. The famous, Bund was home to the "British Public Park" and this boulevard has a plethora of colonial structures to visit, all reminders of Shanghai's days of decadence. The Japanese and the French Concessions too, are fascinating areas to explore. The French Quarter is a particularly charming district to wander, and there are many former residences to look at and discover something about old Shanghai and the people who lived here. The area known as the "Chinese City" is also worthy of a visit. Take a break from the tourists around the Yuyuan and do some serious antique shopping or just lose yourself amidst the old alleys and streets.But perhaps most of all today, Shanghai is a spectacularly modern city. The pace of development here is unbelievable. Currently, seventeen percent of the world's cranes are in the city and developers boast that the city is changing at a rate inparable to anywhere else in the world ever. The newest area of the city, Pudong, has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and is almost unrecognizable from the way it was when development began here. Two of the most impressive city structures can be found here, the Jinmao Tower and the Oriental TV Tower.For any visitor to China, perhaps the most attractive thing about this city is just how fashionable it is. Museums, galleries, restaurants and bars have emerged in the past few years. This co *** opolitan cultural scene which harks back to the heydays of the 1920s and 30s and the new found wealth in the city are helping to reinvent Shanghai as a place with a fabulous and optimistic style and attitude. 上海简介 在过去的世纪,上海已经有多次的名字给它附加标签,如“东方巴黎”和“中国珍珠”。





        上海的这些作为犯罪和卖* *** 家里的旧偏见被消灭了,作为一个城市的成功项目本身的形象,年轻,充满活力和凉爽。
















初中英语作文去年暑假,Mary 和她的父母去了上海度假,他们去了东...

        Last Summer, Mary went to Shanghai with her parents for the summer vocation. Mary's family had a great time in Shanghai. They went to many famous tourist attractions in Shanghai. For example, they went to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Bund, the Town God's Temple, and the Century Park. They took a lot of pictures and bought many souvenirs. Mary showed the pictures to her friends and they all wanted to go to Shanghai. 去年暑假 Mary和她爸妈去上海度假。





















        让我们踏着石 阶一层层地盘旋而下,到达碑底。







        转载请注明出处 ? 上海外滩的英语介绍

英语作文:上海-美丽的城市 1、介绍1~2个上海的特色景点 2、推荐1~2种具有上海风味的美食 3、说喜欢的理由

       上海锦江乐园中英文介绍 上海锦江乐园位于虹梅路 201 号。是改革开放后上海引进国外游乐设施建造的第一家大型游乐园,建成于 1985 年初,隶属锦江国际集团,锦江乐园功能齐全,环境宜人。园区总面积 11 万平方米, 30 余个大中型游乐项目和餐厅、茶室、咖啡室,休闲屋坐落其中。绿林、翠园、欢乐岛、环岛河、欧洲风情桥……别具匠心的绿化景观,建筑小品和现代化风格的游乐设施互为衬托,相映成趣。为满足中外游客日益增长的文化娱乐,健身与休闲要求,近年来,乐园又先后引进了国际先进、国内第一的“巨型摩天轮”、“欢乐世界”、“峡谷漂流”、“探空飞梭”、“双层豪华转马”、“自旋滑车”等大型游乐项目,这些新项目的引进使锦江乐园达到了“艺术造型一流、现代科技含量一流、文化品位一流、惊险刺激一流”的高水准的公共游乐园。 上海锦江乐园英文介绍Located at No. 201, Hongmei Road , and equipped with imported amusement facilities, Jinjiang Amusement Park , under Jinjiang International Group, is the first large amusement park ever built in Shanghai by the introduction of foreign amusement facilities since the start of China 's reform and opening-up. Its construction was completed in the beginning of 1985. The park, covering a total area of 110,000 m2 , boasts a pleasant environment and multi-functions. It offers over 30 different sets of large and medium amusement facilities, and restaurants, tea houses, cafes and lounges. Green Woods, Green Garden , Happy Isle, the river surrounding the isle and the bridge of European style……, all those unique landscapings and architectures and modern amusement facilities complement to each other and constitute a spectacular picture. To meet the needs of cultural amusement, fitness and leisure of domestic and foreign tourists, Jinjiang Amusement Park, in recent years, has successively introduced large amusement facilities like “Huge Wheel”, “Joy Land”, “Canyon Raft Ride”, “Space Shot”, “Layered Merry-go-around” and “Spinning Coaster”, which are world advanced and first ever in China, thus making Jinjiang Amusement Park a high standard public amusement Park for its “first-rate artistic model, state-of-the-art technology, superior cultural elegance and extreme thrill and excitement”. 锦江乐园除主营游乐项目外,还兼营商贸以及跨省、市旅游的客运服务公司、锦乐旅行社有限公司。 Apart from its core business of amusement programs, Jinjiang Amusement Park also engages in commerce and trade and runs some passenger transport service companies covering neighbouring provinces and cities and Jinle Travel Agency Co., Ltd. 锦江乐园连续多年被评为全国游乐行业的先进单位,上海市市级文明单位。历年,锦江乐园被中国游艺机游乐园协会评为全国最佳游乐园。 Jinjiang Amusement Park has been appraised as a model unit in the amusement industry of China , Civilized Unit of Shanghai and Best Amusement Park of China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions for continuous years. 交通:地铁一号线至锦江乐园站 Transportation: Jinjiang Amusement Park Station is accessible by No.1 Metro Line 公交: 50 、 218 、 703 、 704 、 712 、 122 、 755 、 725 、 735 by Buses: Lines 50, 218, 703, 704, 712, 122, 755, 725 and 735 公路:沪闵路高架,沪杭甬高速,沪宁高速,铁路沪杭线可达 by Highways: Humin Road Elevated Road, Huhangyong Expressway, Huning Expressway and Huhang Railway 电话: 54200844 (直线) 54204956*314 或 311 Phone: 54200844 (direct), 54204956*314 or 311 传真: 54200844 Fax: 54200844 地址:上海市虹梅路 201 号 邮编: 201102 Address: No. 201, Hongmei Road , Shanghai 201102 请参考: /guide-shhotel-gonglue5230.html


       Shanghai is an international city ,which has attracted so many foreigners from all over the world. There are many beautiful places such as the oriental pearl TV tower, Huangpu River and so on. Of these places of interest, the oriental pearl TV tower is so attractive that none has left Shanghai without visiting it . It is so tall that all the visitors have to go upstairs by elevators. The view from the top of the tower is very grand especially at night . Besides this ,enjoying the beautiful view on a ship by the Huangpu River is very exciting . The beautiful lights from the tall buildings along the river make the river a so beautiful place. During the river tour we can also see the outer part of the oriental pearl TV tower. Also there is much delicous food, such as Nanxiang small steamed bun ,pan-fried steamed bun and so on. Thedelicious food make many visitors mouth water . All in all ,Shanghai is a place worth visiting many times.


       Shanghai is in the east of China. Many years ago, it was a small fishing village. Only a few thousand people lived there. People were fishermen. But today Shanghai is a big modern city. It is the biggest city in China. And it is also one of the largest cities in the world. It has an area of about six thousand, three hundred and forty square kilometers. More than thirteen million people live there. They do many different jobs. There are workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, artists and so on. Shanghai is also more beautiful than before. There are now many tall buildings and green areas. Shanghai is developing very fast. People there are living a happy life.

求英语作文"A travel guide of shanghai"(上海旅游指南)





















































































































       Shanghai, Hu for short, is a renowned international metropolis drawing more and more attention from all over the world. Situated on the estuary of Yangtze River, it serves as the most influential economic, financial, international trade, cultural, science and technology center in East China. Also it is a popular destination for visitors to sense the pulsating development of the country.

       In addition to its modernization, the city's multicultural flair endows it with a unique glamour. Here, one finds the perfect blend of cultures, the modern and the traditional , and the western and the oriental. New skyscrapers and old Shikumen together draw the skyline of the city. Western customs and Chinese traditions intertwined and formed Shanghai's culture, making a visitor's stay truly memorable.

       Shanghai is split in two by the Huangpu River. The most basic division of the area isPuxi West of the river, versus Pudong , East of the river. Both terms can be used in a general sense for everything on their side of the river, but are often used in a much narrower sense where Puxiis the older (since the 19th century) city center and Pudong the mass of new (since the 1980s) high-rise development across the river.

       The Bund (外滩 Wàitān) The colonial riverside of old Shanghai, has dozens of historical buildings lining the Huangpu River, which once housed numerous foreign banks and trading houses. The riverfront walkway has recently undergone a major reconstruction and reopened to the public in March 2010.

        Changning (长宁区; Chángníngqū) Hongqiao International Airport sits here in addition to the Shanghai Zoo. Changning is a very large, residential district but in recent years has seen more commercial and entertainment hubs develop, especially the area around Zhongshan Park.

        Shanghai (Luwan, Xuhui)Leafy district once known as the Paris of the East, includes the refurbished shikumen houses of Xintiandi and Shanghai Stadium, one of Shanghai's most rich and vibrant neighborhoods. The Xujiahui shopping district is home to five large shopping malls.

       Shanghai is a fascinating mix of East and West. It has historic shikumen houses that blend the styles of Chinese houses with European design flair, and it has one of the richest collections of Art Deco buildings in the world. As there were so many concessions (designated districts) to Western powers during the turn of the 20th century, in many places the city has a cosmopolitan feel. There is everything from classic Parisian style, to Tudor style buildings that give an English flair and 1930s buildings reminiscent of New York or Chicago.

       There is a saying that goes, "Shanghai is heaven for the rich, hell for the poor," People from all over China flock to Shanghai — everyone from farmers seeking jobs in manual labour to university graduates seeking to start a career or wanting to live in a cool up-tempo city. Even well-off people, though, complain that buying a home is becoming impossible; prices have skyrocketed in the last few years.

       Shanghai is one of the main industrial centers of China, playing a key role in China’s heavy industries. A large number of industrial zones are backbones of Shanghai's secondary industry.

       Hongkou Home of Lu Xun Park as well as a football stadium, once home to Shanghai's substantial Jewish population in the first half of the 20th century.

        Huangpu excluding the Old CityThe traditional center of Shanghai, home to People's Square, People's Park, the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, City Hall, and the city's largest metro station, underneath a large underground shopping mall. Adjacent to People's Square is the East Nanjing Road pedestrian mall.

        Jing'an District Home to Jing'an Temple, this area has been continuously inhabited since the 3rd century AD. The commercial district of West Nanjing Road extends from the center of Jing'an to People's Square.

        Old City Home of Yu Garden, the City God Temple and Huxingting Tea House, this is the historic Chinese area of the city, where much of the old wooden architecture of ancient Shanghai is still preserved.

        Yangpu Where Fudan University and Tongji University are located. Also contains the excellent and spacious Gongqing Forest Park. For shoppers, Wujiaochang is situated here.

        Zhabei Zhabei is an older district of Shanghai and the location of the Shanghai Railway Station. There is a large park, Daning-Lingshi, north of the station, as well as the Shanghai Circus.

       While Shanghai has been around as a village since the Song Dynasty, a thousand years or so ago, it only rose to prominence after China lost the First Opium War in 1842. Shanghai was one of five cities which were opened to trade as treaty Ports. Shanghai grew amazingly after that; until then nearby cities like Hangzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing had been far more important, but today Shanghai is definitely the center of the region.

       Eight nations — Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom — were granted concessions in Shanghai, areas that they controlled and where Chinese law did not apply. Most of these were jointly administered as the "International Settlement", but the French ran theirs separately. In all of them, the population was mainly Chinese, of course, but the legal system was foreign and the police included many Sikhs and French gendarmes. They were located North of the Chinese city. Today all these areas are considered parts of downtown Shanghai.





 上海景点介绍英文作文 篇1

        In the summer vacation, our family goes to Shanghai to play, Shanghai is really a prosperous beautiful city!There are dozens of tall buildings everywhere. From time to time, you can also meet a few foreigners. There are beautiful green spaces along the spacious streets.

        We played in Shanghai for two days, the most memorable of which is the night view of Shanghai, the Bund.

        When darkness falls, Shanghai and the Bund become the ocean of lights, the world of light.The lights shining like fireworks, riotous with colour on earth.The road is a string of bright lights, like the shining river torrents.The neon edifice is covered The brightness dazzles the eyes., cruise on the Huangpu River in the beautiful past; the protagonist pearl is not far behind, it is in the lantern around, so that a "Pearl" shine with dazzling light in the night is very beautiful.On the earth, the Oriental Pearl is like such a pearl, it is worthy of the "Oriental Pearl"".They embody the beauty of Shanghai.We admired the sight and left a lot of pictures under the beautiful night view.I'd like to keep all these pictures together.

        The scenery of Shanghai, the Bund, the beautiful scenery that will never forget.I have to look at the beautiful city and see the beautiful night scene.

 上海景点介绍英文作文 篇2

        This year's "eleven" holidays, mom and dad decided to take me to Shanghai tourism.

        After getting on the bus, although my car was driving very fast, my heart had already flown to Shanghai. How I wish the bus would reach the metropolis I had long yearned for. I waited and fell asleep unconsciously.

        I did not know how long I slept. My mother pushed me up and said, "we have come to Shanghai. Get up and have a look."!" As soon as I heard it, I jumped up and said excitedly, "I've finally arrived in Shanghai."!" I threw myself at the window and looked out, and cried, "Wow!"! Beautiful!" What a beautiful picture I see in front of me! All kinds of tall buildings, flashing bright lights, tall, short, in different shapes, there are more than 40 layers of it?! The lights outline the majestic outline of a building blocks. The street lights shining with flashing lights, The stream never stops flowing. cars, like the Milky Way drop from the clouds. Sidewalks, parks, lawns are full of colorful lights, as if in a world wonderland. After a long walk, we managed to find a hotel. Put down the luggage, dinner, it is already more than ten in the evening, but we are not sleepy. As the saying goes, "less than the Bund means no visit to Shanghai", so we go to enjoy the beautiful night view of the Bund.

        With the hustle and bustle of the crowd, we walked up the steps to the Bund, on the banks of the Huangpu river. I saw the brilliantly illuminated edifice, a riot of colours. The famous Oriental Pearl TV Tower is bright and colorful, it is up to 468 meters, is the first in Asia, the world's third tower, is divided into three layers from top to bottom, respectively, showing a red, light blue and purple, like a pearl inlaid in the Huangpu river. Da Li in the river hundreds of meters high giant screen, not transform a beautiful picture all bright and colorful, neon lights, building the pavilions, the resplendent with variegated coloration as one falls, another rises, the Huangpu River into a sea of light, the light of the world. In the glittering surface of the river, along the river slowly by the color lamp decorated luxury cruise sliding, floating like a crystal clear water palace.

        The Bund has always been regarded as a symbol of Shanghai, and the architecture of the Bund is various. It is called "World Architecture Expo"". Stroll in the Binjiang Avenue, the Gothic spire and ancient Greek hole, Baroque pillars and Spanish style balcony on the front of your behind, they always exudes a strong exotic sentiment, that have a unique style flavor is unforgettable. At night, dozens of towering buildings were immersed in the ocean of lights, glittering and translucent like palaces of foreign countries. The entire the Bund buildings dazzling, stagger and. Whether it is as far as or walk, can feel a vigorous, vigorous, elegant and magnificent.

        The beautiful Shanghai is the Oriental pearl. Beautiful Shanghai, may your future be better!

 上海景点介绍英文作文 篇3

        Now, how people are developing technology, I really want to eye opening eyes. I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to go to the Shanghai science and technology museum." Mom agreed.

        On the second day, my mother and I set off. At the Museum of science and technology, I saw a lot of people in the science and Technology Museum, and there were lots of stadiums, which showed us a lot of high-tech products. I think the most fun is the "wisdom" of the game, with the air water, light music, light windmill, and the magic ball...... The piano playing is very magical, and there are a few lights emitting red light, as long as you touch the red light, it will pop up a beautiful note, if the continuous bomb, a beautiful song came out. Light windmill is no exception, as long as the light shines on a small windmill, it will turn, the stronger the light, the faster it turns, the light will stop without it. Let me feel the most amazing is the air water, a huge water hanging in the sky, above without any support, as long as the vast water pouring down from the tap.

        After visiting the Shanghai Museum of science and technology, I know how advanced science and technology are, and how amazing it is, which really makes me forget it. I also know that as long as we study hard, we can create Many a little make a mickle. all sorts of things.

